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A physicist by training, with a career initially in radio astronomy and then both terrestrial and marine Earth Observation, remote sensing has been a part of Edward King’s daily work for 25 years. For CSIRO he is responsible for remote sensing data management and application activities including operation of reception antennas in Hobart, and projects that deliver customised processing for marine users. He leads the Satellite Remote Sensing Facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System and also contributes to the development and sharing of Australian archives of moderate resolution satellite imagery through several National committees and initiatives including:
* Copernicus Regional Data Hub steering committee, member
* Australian National Ground Segment Task Team, member
* West Australian Satellite Technology Applications Consortium - Board Member
* CSIRO Centre for Earth Observation Advisory Committee, member

He has led (or co-led) several major projects:
* Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Products as part of the Water Information R&D Alliance (WIRADA) with the Bureau of Meteorology (2007-2012)
* Satellite Remote Sensing component of eReefs Program (2012-2016)

In 2018 he took on the role of leader for the long-running Bluelink/MSA Ocean Forecasting project.

He has been a team leader in CSIRO since 2012 and assumed the Oceans Group leader role within CSIRO's Climate Science Centre in 2016 until November 2021. In the second half of 2020 he acted as Deputy Director and Science Director of CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere.

Academic Qualifications

  • 1987

    Bachelor of Science, Honours (1st Class)
    University of Tasmania

  • 1994

    PhD, Physics
    University of Tasmania