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Dr Lawes is a farming systems scientist and team leader for Digital Decisions. The team operate from Canberra, ACT and Floreat, WA. He specialises in understanding the complexities of the digital supply chain, and has used this unique skill set to develop digital technologies for agriculture. He has long track record attracting research funds and managing complex, multi-agency projects. He has lead research projects in precision agriculture, crop nutrition, C4 grass pasture systems, farming systems and crop rotations, farm economics and digital agriculture. In addition, Roger has research interests in "big data", applied statistics, remote sensing and crop modelling.

Some of Roger's recent projects include:

The Graincast Initiative, which is created tools to monitor the crop area and crop yield of Australia's dryland grain crops.

The CSIRO component of the National Paddock Survey, which is a GRDC funded project that intensively monitors individual fields to measure the size of the yield gap across Australia.

The GRDC funded Future Farm project that developed an AI tool to assist farmers with Nitrogen management.