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Chenka Ma is a research scientist in Health and Biosecurity, working on the novel diagnostic biomarkers identification and In Vitro Diagnostic test assay development for variety of diseases.

He currently leads the translation of a new diagnostic assay for burn patients in children and is the Immune Resilience FSP Co-project leader of investigating T cell exhaustion on ex vivo models.

His expertise is in bioinformatic analysis for genetic, epigenetics, gut microbiome and transcriptome including single cell RNA sequencing along with Machine Learning models. He has extensive knowledge for molecular biology, cell biology, cancer biology and human genetics.

He joined CSIRO 5 years ago as a Research Plus CERC and worked on the project of identifying new biomarkers for metabolic diseases and chronic diseases.

As an ECR, he has published more than 25 peer-reviewed papers and has an H-index of 12.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2020

    University of Melbourne

Achievements and Awards

  • 2021-2021

    Outstanding Collaboration Award CSIRO Health & Biosecurity

Current Roles

  • Research Scientist
    Biomarker Discovery and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) development

Professional Experiences

  • 2018-2021

    CERC Postdoctoral Fellow