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Dr Meredith McNeil

Senior Research Scientist


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Meredith is the Team Leader of the Genome to Phenome (G2P) Team, which leverages the latest advancements in genomics, phenomics, and computational biology to enable informed breeding decisions and assist in the development of improved crop varieties. The team has cross-domain expertise in quantitative genetics, molecular biology, genomics, bioinformatics, transcriptomics, and crop datascience.

Her primary research vision is in developing innovative and reusable scientific data pipelines for the analysis of large datasets to support breeding outcomes in the agriculture industry. Meredith is providing leadership to deliver innovative science in strategic crops such as wheat, canola and lupin and also in oats for gene target identification for delivery into crop breeding (via marker or model-based solutions) and Precision Gene Editing programs. She also has a passion for empowering others in digital skills and embracing digital technologies. By championing digital transformation and empowering individuals, she creates an environment where innovative ideas can thrive, equipping individuals with the necessary tools to engage with the CSIRO strategy and contribute to impactful outcomes in the agriculture industry.

Meredith has a Bachelor of Science and PhD in Plant Biotechnology (wheat) from Murdoch University.


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