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Dr. Yuan Mei was granted PhD degree in geochemistry in 2014 by the University of Adelaide. She worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Adelaide and Monash University with ARC Discovery Project in 2013-2015, and OCE postdoctoral Fellow at CSIRO Mineral Resources in 2015-2018. Since 2018, she has joint the Deep Earth Imaging Future Science Platform as a Research Scientist.

Her research focuses on understanding the geochemical processes that govern the fate of metals and metalloids from the mantle to the Earth’s crust at the molecular level. Leveraging the recent advances in high performance computers and state-of-the-art in-situ synchrotron techniques, molecular simulations help us to build essential geochemical models of element cycles in lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere.

Her research demonstrates that molecular simulations are coming of age in exploring the molecular structures and thermodynamic properties of minerals and fluids under extreme conditions. The major achievement in her academic career is the quantitative calculation of the thermodynamic properties of the metal complexation reactions that control metal mobility in hydrothermal systems. The thermodynamic properties calculated in her research have been incorporated into popular thermodynamic databases and are able to be applied to geochemical modelling by hundreds of users, to provide better understanding of the dissolution, transportation and precipitation of metals in ore-forming systems.

Her current research focuses on using molecular simulation and geochemical modelling approaches to tackle two big challenges for a sustainable future -

1) geochemistry of critical minerals for more efficient exploration and processing
2) carbon storage and new energy resources (i.e., natural hydrogen) for net zero emission.

As a curiosity driven and impact oriented researcher, she is open to collaborations in both academic and industry.

Current Roles

  • Senior Research Scientist
    CSIRO Mineral Resources

  • Team Leader
    Experimental and Computational Geochemistry

  • Theme Leader
    CarbonLock Future Science Platform

Academic Qualifications

  • 2014

    PhD in Geochemistry
    University of Adelaide

Professional Experiences

  • 2015-2018

    OCE Postdoctoral Fellow
    CSIRO Mineral Resources

  • 2014-2015

    Research Fellow
    Monash University

  • 2013-2014

    Research Fellow
    The University of Adelaide

Achievements and Awards

  • 2021-2024

    ResearchPlus (R+) CSIRO Early Research Career (CERC) Postdoctoral Fellowship

  • 2021-2021

    CMR Science Achievement – Early Career Researcher
    CSIRO Mineral Resources

  • 2020-2020

    Julius Career Award

  • 2019-2019

    CMR Science Achievement Award
    CSIRO Mineral Resources

  • 2018-2019

    Ruby Payne-Scott Career Development Award

  • 2013-2013

    Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence Award
    The University of Adelaide

  • 2010-2010

    Australian Synchrotron ANZAAS Winter School, Outstanding Applicant Award
    Australian Synchrotron

  • 2010-2013

    Australian International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS)
    The University of Adelaide

  • 2010-2013

    CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship Postgraduate Scholarship

Other highlights

  • 2022-2022

    Dr Mei was awarded the Jin-Jingfu Memorial Lectureship by International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC). This memorial lecture was established to commemorate Professor Jin-Jingfu’s intellectual legacy and encourage early-career scientists (who received their PhD within about 10 years) to pursue rigorous research in geochemistry, as a recognition of their contribution on a single geochemical research topic through one or a series of publications, which have resulted in a measurable impact in their discipline. The lecture is on any subject of water-rock interaction geochemistry and the selected lecturer can be based in any country. This award is a great recognition of her research in molecular simulation and geochemical modelling of fluid-rock interactions. (


  • 2019-2021

    ARC Discovery Project DP190100216 “Aqueous fluids in the deep earth”

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2020-2022

    Lead guest editor of Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

  • 2019-now

    CMR Diversity and Inclusion committee member

  • 2016-2021

    Member of the merit allocation committee for the national Energy and Resources allocation scheme at Pawsey Supercomputing Centre

  • 2018-2020

    Lead guest editor of Ore Geology Review special issue

  • 2016-2020

    Guest Editor of Geofluids special issue “Advances in Numerical Simulations of Hydrothermal Ore Forming Processes”

  • 2018-now

    Academic editor of Geofluids