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Dr Hajime Suzuki

/Her G May Suzuki/

Principal Research Scientist


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Hajime received B.E. and M.E. from the University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan in 1993 and 1995, and PhD from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia in 1999.

Hajime has been working for CSIRO at the Radiophysics Laboratory in Marsfield since 1999. He was employed initially as a Research Scientist, and was promoted to a Senior Research Scientist in 2003 and to a Principal Research Scientist in 2010. He was the Group Leader of the Communication Systems Group in Cyber Physical Systems Program under Data61 leading approx 30 researchers from 2014 to 2017.

Hajime worked at the Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics from 1999 to 2003, at ICT Centre from 2003 to 20013, at Division of Computational Informatics from 2013 to 2014, at Digital Productivity and Services Flagship from 2014 to 2015, and currently at Data61.

From 2002 to present, he has been a project leader of various internally and externally funded projects delivering outcomes, including the Ngara Rural Broadband Access project ($8.7M for 2.5 years), Ngara at Macquarie University project ($1.5M for 2.5 years), and advanced public safety communication project ($2.0M for 2 years).

From 2001 to 2005, he has served as the Chairman of the Subgroup 3K-3 on indoor and short-range propagation under the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R), an agency of the United Nations. He is currently the Vice Chairman of Working Party 3K on point-to-area propagation.

Hajime published 17 journal papers and 68 conference papers and delivered 25 invited talks.

Academic Qualifications

  • 1993

    Bachelor of Engineering
    University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan

  • 1995

    Masters of Engineering
    University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan

  • 1999

    University of Technology, Sydney

Professional Experiences

  • 1999-2003

    Research Scientist

  • 2003-2010

    Senior Research Scientist

  • 2010-Present

    Principal Research Scientist

  • 2014-2017

    Group Leader, Communication Systems

Achievements and Awards

  • 2017-2017

    Best paper,
    17th International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, Cairns, Australia

  • 2015-2015

    The Australian Innovation Challenge, Manufacturing, Construction and Infrastructure

  • 2012-2012

    Engineering Excellence Awards, R&D, Sydney Division

  • 2012-2012

    The Australian Innovation Challenge

  • 2009-2009

    Chairman's Medal

  • 2007-2007

    Look Out!!! Award

  • 2007-2007

    Equal 3 win best paper
    2nd International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications

  • 2006-2006

    Engineers Australia Engineering Excellence


  • 2009-2012

    Science and Industry Endowment Fund, $8.7M Ngara Rurual Broadband Access project

  • 2014-2016

    Australian Growth Partnership Program, $2.0M Advanced public safety communication

  • 2017-2019

    Next Generation Technologies Fund, $1.0M Resilient tactical communication

We have publications by Dr Hajime Suzuki