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Dr Louise Schoneveld

Senior Research Scientist


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Louise is currently investigating the changes in trace element signatures as possible indicators for magmatic nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum group element (Ni-Cu-Co-PGE) mineralisation. She has been at CSIRO since 2017, runs the laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) for internal and external users and uses advanced micro-characterisation technologies to understand how the earth and mineral deposits form.

Louise completed her undergraduate and honours degrees at James Cook University in Townsville, QLD, focused on the alteration of a large rare earth element (REE) deposit in central Australia. She graduated with a PhD from the Australian National University (ANU) in 2018 where she focused on the experimental partitioning of trace elements between plagioclase, clinopyroxene and melt. Louise was a postdoctoral fellow in CSIRO Mineral Resources at the Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) in Perth from late 2017, transitioning to research scientist in 2020.

Achievements and Awards

  • 2022-2022

    Mineral Resources - Science Achievement - Early Career Researcher Award

  • 2022-2022

    Mineral Resources - Collaboration Award (team)

  • 2019-2019

    Mineral Resources - Customer Impact (team)

  • 2014-2017

    Chappel-White Scholarship
    Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University

  • 2014-2014

    University Medal
    James Cook University

Current Roles

  • Senior Research Scientist

  • LA-ICP-MS manager
    LA-ICP-MS operator

Academic Qualifications

  • 2013

    Bachelor of Geology (Hons)
    James Cook University

  • 2017

    PhD (Geology)
    The Australian National University

Professional Experiences

  • 01/07/2013-30/08/2013

    Research Internship
    Institute for the Study of the Earth's Interior, Misasa, Japan

  • 01/11/2012-01/02/2013

    Research Internship
    CSIRO, Perth

  • 01/11/2011-01/02/2012

    Vacation Work (Exploration Geologist)
    Ivanhoe Australia

  • 2017-2020

    Postdoctoral Researcher

Other highlights

  • 2024-2024

    Speaking at Pint of Science

  • 2022-2022

    Invited to give a keynote at the International Pt Symposium (online)


  • 2022-2024

    MRIWA M10426 - Indicator Minerals for NiS Exploration

We have publications by Dr Louise Schoneveld

    Published data & software

    We have published items by Dr Louise Schoneveld