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Dr Natalie Twine is a bioinformatics research scientist and leads the Genome Insights team. She has a strong focus on developing population-scale genomics technologies.

Dr Twine and her team build cutting-edge digital products which leverage new technologies in cloud computing and machine learning. These products deliver translational impact in the fields of precision medicine, environment and agriculture across academic, government and commercial sectors. She is an innovation partner in the health and medical research sector and has an established reputation in the healthcare genomics space, both nationally and internationally. She works with the world's largest genomic organisations, including Genomes England and Project MinE.

Specialties: Genomics, Transcriptomics, cloud-based platforms, Clinical Genomics, Genetics, Machine learning, Big data technologies.

Natalie has 29 peer-reviewed publications (8 as first or senior author) with >1600 citations and h-index of 16

Current Roles

  • Research Scientist
    population scale genome analysis

  • Team Lead - Genome Insights
    Cloud-based software solutions for advanced genome analysis

Academic Qualifications

  • 2015

    PhD Bioinformatics
    University of New South Wales

  • M.Sc Bioinformatics
    Birkbeck College, University of London

  • B.Sc (Hons) Molecular Biology
    University of Cape Town