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Dr Scott Wilkinson

Principal Research Scientist


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Dr Scott Wilkinson leads research in locating, characterising and managing sediment and nutrient sources in large river basins. He has over 20 years experience in modelling and field measurement of erosion and landscape rehabilitation. He works with the Australian and State Governments to develop methods for the accounting, reporting and verification of sediment reductions resulting from landscape repair programs. Dr Wilkinson developed the widely-used Gully and Stream Bank Toolbox technical manual for targeting, design, construction and monitoring of gully and stream bank erosion control in Great Barrier Reef catchments.

Dr Wilkinson is a fluvial geomorphologist whose interests commonly involve multi-disciplinary research and identifying management solutions to inform the protection of aquatic ecosystems and sustainable land management. He has published over 150 peer reviewed scientific papers and reports and is a contributor to the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Scientific Consensus Statement.

Recent research topics:
* Biophysical drivers of anthropogenic sediment and particulate nutrient exports to the Great Barrier Reef.
* Locating river basin sediment sources by integrating spatial modelling, terrain analysis, sediment source tracing and water quality monitoring.
* Quantifying the effectiveness of gully rehabilitation treatments on erosion rates and vegetation establishment.
* A cost-effectiveness analysis to target gully and stream bank erosion control for maximum reduction in catchment sediment yields.

Current Roles

  • Technical adviser
    Reef Trust Landscape Repair Program

  • Geomorphology specialist member
    Alligator Rivers Region Technical Committee

Academic Qualifications

  • 2002

    Monash University

  • 1995

    BE (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
    Monash University

Achievements and Awards

  • 2022-

    Growing Our Impact Award
    CSIRO Land and Water

We have publications by Dr Scott Wilkinson