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Dr. Zhenchang Xing is a Senior Principal Research Scientist and the science leader of the SE4AI team at CSIRO’s Data61. He is an honorary associate professor in the School of Computing at Australian National University.

Dr. Xing's research focuses on knowledge graph methods and behavior analytics for improving software engineering productivity and software quality. His recent work investigates novel software engineering methods, techniques and tools for responsible AI. Dr. Xing has published over 180 peer-reviewed research papers in the highly reputable conferences and journals, such as ICSE, FSE, ASE, TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, CHI, TNNL. His research has received multiple prestigious awards, including three ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards, two IEEE TCSE Distinguished Paper Awards, and the ACM SIGSOFT Most Influential Paper Award. Dr. Xing actively serves in the organization and program committees in the top software engineering and NLP conferences.

Dr. Xing was ranked the 5th most active senior software engineering researcher in the world (according to A bibliometric assessment of software engineering themes, scholars and institutions (2013–2020)). He has supervised 10+ PhD students to completion, eight of them has become well established or rising early career academics. He is currently leading an energetic research team of 8 PhD students and 7 postdocs and research scientists.

Dr. Xing is recruiting PhD students and postdocs. Our SE4AI team is recruiting postdocs and research scientists!

Current Roles

  • Project leader
    Data Bill of Materials (DataBOM) for Traceable and Verifiable Data Ecosystems

  • Science leader
    Lead the SE4AI research at Data61