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Mrs Michelle Armistead

Pronouns: she,her,hers

Program Manager


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Michelle Armistead lead's the CSIRO Innovate to Grow program, helping Australian small to medium enterprises (SMEs) advance their innovative ideas with research and development (R&D). SME 's in the program are supported by our team and provided with researcher connections, a self-paced learning platform, networking opportunities, guest speakers and expert feedback. Participants can address business challenges, explore collaborations, and create R&D plans within a supportive environment. There are currently eight programs per year in various sectors that add value to the Australian economy, including AgriFood, Digital Technology and AI, Mining, Energy, and Manufacturing.

Researchers are also supported with opportunities to engage with industry and meet other researchers in their field by joining our supportive mentoring program.

Please click on the 'related link' below for more information about the program.

Michelle studied Environmental Biology at university before moving to the NT to run a small business with her husband for many years. Since joining CSIRO in 2011, she has worked in project and program management, change management, enterprise support, Health and safety, IT and within the SME Connect initiative.

Her broad mix of science, business, HSE and IT has made her highly adaptable, outcome focused, and a great communicator.

Michelle's strengths are in:

  • People; connecting, coordinating, collaborating, motivating
  • Process; creating, documenting, sharing
  • Solutions; creative problem solving, improvements, value adds

Current Roles

  • Program Coordinator
    Innovate to Grow Program

Academic Qualifications

  • 1996

    Bsc App Bio (Environmental Biology)
    Victoria University of Technology

  • 2017

    Cert IV Project Management Practice
    Inspire Australia

  • 2019

    Managing Successful Programmes Practitioner Certificate
    PeopleCert, Axelos