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Mr Paul Box

Senior Principal Research Consultant


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Paul is a geographer working to support sustainable development under a changing climate. Paul operates at the science policy interface providing strategic advice to support government decision-making and the adaptation of complex systems.

For the past 8 years Paul has focused on disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation. He is currently developing integrated hybrid approaches to risk and opportunity assessment and novel approaches to systems governance, as part the Enabling Resilient Investment initiative (

Between 2019 and 2023 Paul was seconded into the Department of Home Affairs and the National Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to provide strategic disaster risk reduction policy and program support. During this time, he led efforts to develop a national disaster risk information platform, initiated the National Bushfire Intelligence Capability (NBIC- as an EMA-CSIRO partnership, and provided significant input to the development of the first and second national action plans for national disaster risk reduction, and the design of the Preparing Australia Program, and the Disaster Ready Fund.

Since joining CSIRO in 2009, Paul has worked on the development of national information infrastructure across environment, agriculture, cities and climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction spaces. These efforts have focused on addressing the human dimension of socio-technical systems. To do this Paul developed and led a multidisciplinary ‘social architecture’ team researching and developing improved approaches to large scale collaboration and governance.

Prior to joining CSIRO in 2009, Paul worked for 15 years in more than 20 countries throughout Asia, Africa and Europe for the United Nations, and national governments, building and operating geospatial capability to support policy, and operational decision-making across a wide diversity of application areas in sustainable development and humanitarian response.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2013

    Master of Applied Science (Geomatics) By Research
    University of Melbourne

  • 1988

    Bachelor of Science (Hons) Land Management
    Reading University

Professional Experiences

  • 1988-2014

    See Linkedin profile

Achievements and Awards

  • 2022-2022

    Gold Good Design Award for Design Research - public private sector data sharing for disaster risk reduction
    Good Design Australia

  • 2021-2021

    Growing Our Impact Award
    CSIRO Land and Water

  • 2017-2017

    CSIRO Medal for Impact from Science

  • 2019-2019

    Digital Culture
    CSIRO Land and Water

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2019-present

    UN Global Geospatial Information Management - Academic Network - member

  • 2020-2024

    Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group - member

  • 2020-2023

    Advisory Board of the CODATA Centre of Excellence at the University of Arizona - member

  • 2020-2022

    Location Inter Departmental Committee – Senior Officers Group

  • 2019-2023

    CODATA International Data Policy Committee of the International Science Council - member

  • 2018-2019

    AURIN Steering Committee - member

  • 2016-2019

    UN Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Working Group on National Institutional Arrangements - member

  • 2016-2018

    CRC for Spatial Information Program 3 Board - member

  • 2016-2018

    CSIRO Data Management Capability Enhancement Program Board - member

  • 2013-2015

    NSW Government Enabling Information Sharing Working Group - member

  • 2012-2012

    Australian Delegate Second Session of the UN Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Committee of Experts