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Dr. Raphaele Blanchi contributes to community safety improvement through her work on community vulnerability assessment and her engagement with national and international stakeholders and research community. Her principal interest lies in the understanding and reduction of risk posed by bushfire to communities and infrastructure. She has a background in geography, risk assessment and land-use planning working with CSIRO Land & Water in the bushfire urban design team since 2004.

She has been involved in post bushfires surveys data collection and analysis following major bushfires in Australia. She also participated in the development of a comprehensive life/house loss database for Australia. She developed and led a project funded by the Natural disaster Resilience Grants Scheme to investigate the circumstances and challenges experienced by residents when sheltering during bushfires.
The research outcomes have been used by fire agencies to develop policies and formed the basis of regulatory reform, and guidelines. Raphaele recently led the development of bushfire resilient building guidance for Queensland homes for Queensland government. The guideline is based on extensive research into building and surrounding landscaping vulnerabilities during bushfire. It uses a best practice framework, consolidating existing advices, but going beyond regulations and providing innovative and affordable solutions.

We have publications by Dr Raphaele Blanchi