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Jenny is a principal research scientist in CSIRO Energy. She leads research projects on technology cost projections and the models she has developed are used to project the cost of electricity generation technologies for the GenCost project for AEMO and the Australian Government. Jenny has made economic modelling contributions to roadmap and renewable energy projects, including the Renewable Energy Storage Roadmap and the National Hydrogen Roadmap. She has contributed to studies undertaken by CSIRO on the energy transition, in areas such as energy storage, the hydrogen value chain, remote area power systems, alternative fuels, ocean renewable energy and solar energy.

Dr Hayward’s focus is on developing new methods and modelling approaches to provide robust projections of the capital costs of existing and emerging electricity generation and fuel conversion technologies.

Jenny has previously worked as a computational chemist with expertise in chemical and biological modelling. She has worked in interdisciplinary environments to provide analysis on issues of future strategic significance.

Other Interests

Technological development and innovation.
Why are some technologies successful and others not?

Current Roles

  • Principal Research Scientist
    Techno-economic modelling

  • Hydrogen Energy Systems Future Science Platform
    Technical team member

  • Mission Innovation Global Initiative
    Technical Advisory Group Chair

Academic Qualifications

  • 2000

    PhD, chemistry
    The University of Sydney

  • 2009

    Graduate Diploma, Biotechnology
    The Australian National University

  • 1995

    Bachelor of Science (Honours)
    The University of Newcastle

Professional Experiences

  • 2021-2024

    Principal Research Scientist

  • 2012-2021

    Senior Research Scientist

  • 2008-2012

    Research Scientist

  • 2004-2008

    Strategic Analyst
    Defence Science and Technology Group, Department of Defence, Australia

  • 2002-2004

    Systems Analyst
    Defence Science and Technology Group, Department of Defence, Australia

  • 1999-2002

    Post-doctoral research fellow
    Biocomputing group, University of Heidelberg, Germany

Achievements and Awards

  • 2019-2019

    CSIRO Collaboration Award

  • 1991-1995

    University Medal
    The University of Newcastle

Other highlights

  • 2008-2024

    Developed (and continuing to develop) innovative, world class techno-economic model of electricity generation and transport cost and uptake projections

  • 2015-2015

    Invited speaker at World Hydrogen Technologies Convention

  • 2013-2013

    Invited speaker at Taiwanese renewable energy forum

  • 2007-2007

    Invited speaker at prestigious JASON Defence Advisory Group

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2015-2024

    Newcastle Energy Centre Social Club Treasurer