Dr Pablo Juliano Otero
Group Leader, Food Processing and Supply Chains
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Pablo Juliano is a supply chain transformation leader with strong background in innovation in food processing and food waste upcycling. High energy networker across government and industry.
He currently leads the Food Processing and Supply Chains Group, which delivers science innovation to the food industry as part of CSIRO's Food Program. His research focuses on reducing and value capturing on food losses and waste across the supply chain by upcycling into co-products using CSIRO platform technologies.
Over 20 years of service to the food industry in 7 countries. He sets direction for funding and creation of a science research programs with strategic environmental and regional development bottom lines through technology and supply chain innovation. He leads and provides oversight to multidisciplinary projects on emerging food processing technologies and redesign and optimisation of food supply chains. In particular, he led the creation and commercialisation of unprecedented technology for food waste recovery.
He is the CSIRO representative on the National Food Waste Strategy and Implementation steering committee together with industry peak bodies, the federal and state governments and is working nationally with food clusters towards the implementation of horticultural ingredient hubs for regional development.
He obtained his PhD in Food Engineering at Washington State University in the USA and an Master of Business Administration at Deakin University in Australia. Pablo was with Nestlé Uruguay in the role of Quality Assurance Manager and as Research Manager with a major dairy exporter in Uruguay.
He is currently the Vice President of the Australian Food Engineers Association and serves in committees in the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology and the Institute of Food Technologists.
He also holds advisory positions in Master and PhD programs at various international universities and sits in various international editorial boards.
Current Roles
Group Leader, Food Processing and Supply Chains
The group focuses on addressing food industry challenges through processing, food technology, engineering and food safety research for planet oriented innovation.
Academic Qualifications
PhD Food Engineering
Washington State Univ -
Master of Business Administration
Deakin Univ -
BSc, Food Engineering
Univeristy of Uruguay -
ISO-9000 Quality Specialist
Uruguayan National Standards Institute
Professional Experiences
Consultant (MBA Business Practicum)
Fresh Select Pty Ltd (Melbourne) -
Research Manager
CONAPROLE (Uruguay) -
Postdoctoral Fellow, High Pressure Processing
Food Science Australia (Melbourne) -
Graduate Project and Teaching Assistant
Washington State University (USA) -
Organisation of American States Fellow
Washington State University (USA) -
Quality Assurance Manager
Nestlé (Uruguay)
Achievements and Awards
Julius Career Award, Australia
Finalist, ANSTO Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology, Australia
Australian National Museum -
W.K. Kellogg International Food Security Award, United States
Institute of Food Technologists -
IFT Food Expo Innovation Award, United States
Institute of Food Technologists -
Technology Innovation Award (GENP16), Italy
Green and Natural Products Conference -
Corporate Achievement for Industry Award, United States
American Oil Chemists Society -
Byer Scholarship Award, United States
R&D Military Food & Packaging Systems -
IFT Graduate Fellowships, United States
Institute of Food Technologists -
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development Fellowship, Uruguay
Organisation of American States, Washington DC
Other highlights
President, Australian Food Engineers Association
Chair, International Division, Institute of Food Technologists, United States
Treasurer, International Association of Engineering and Food
Supervisory Board Member, Global Harmonisation Initiative for Food Laws and Regulations
We have publications by Dr Pablo Juliano Otero