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Dr Rick Llewellyn

Group Leader, Integrated Agricultural Systems


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Rick Llewellyn is a Senior Principal Research Scientist (agricultural systems) and Research Group Leader based at the Waite Campus in Adelaide. Rick’s research bridges farming systems field research, weed and herbicide resistance management, strategies for technology adoption and agricultural economics. A focus of his research is on the cropping and mixed farming regions of Australia where he leads a number of projects aimed at developing improved farming systems.

In addition to leading the development and delivery of the widely used tool ADOPT (, projects he has led recently include a national grains industry study evaluating weed management costs to Australian grain growers; novel pasture systems for mixed farming systems and cropping systems research involving weed management strategies and soil-specific management in the low rainfall zone. He currently leads projects that include developing virtual fencing technology for sheep for application in mixed farming systems and profitable management of grass weeds in low rainfall cropping systems.

Awards include the CRC Future Farm Industries Chairman's Award in 2012 for his leadership of R&D on novel mixed farming options (EverCrop) and the CSIRO Entrepeneurship Award as part of the Virtual Fencing team. He has recently co-supervised PhD graduates investigating opportunities for collaborative farming business models to improve farm productivity and approaches for increasing the adoption and benefits from conservation agriculture in smallholder farming systems. He has also worked in several ACIAR-supported projects including work in the Philippines, NE Thailand and India.

His other roles include scientific advisor on the Board of Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc.; member Grains Research and Development Corporation Regional Cropping Solutions Network (2012-2016); GRDC Grains Weeds Advisory Committee (2016-); Department of Agriculture Smart Farms Advisory Panel (2018-20) and Editorial Advisory Board member for Agricultural Systems (2020-).

Rick has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science from the University of Adelaide and a PhD in agricultural economics from the University of Western Australia. He continues to hold an adjunct position at UWA where he lectured in agricultural systems and worked with the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative before joining CSIRO in 2005.

Academic Qualifications

  • 1992

    Bachelor of Agricultural Science, University of Adelaide

  • 2002

    PhD (with Distinction). Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, University of Western Australia

Professional Experiences

  • 2007--

    Specialist Director
    Mallee Sustainable Farming Inc

  • 2017--

    Grains Weeds Advisory Committee
    Grains Research & Development Corporation

  • 2012-2016

    GRDC Regional Cropping Solutions Network Member (Low Rainfall)
    Grains Research & Development Corporation

  • 2012-2013

    Expert Advisory Panel Member
    DAFF Carbon Farming Futures (Extension)

  • 2011-2012

    Herbicide Resistance Management Strategies report sub-committee
    Weed Science Society of America

  • 2007-2008

    Program Committee (Chair)
    Australian Society of Agronomy

  • 2004-2007

    Australian Glyphosate Sustainability Working Group

Achievements and Awards

  • 2013--

    American Applied and Agricultural Economics Association Selected Seminar
    Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society

  • 2011--

    Chairman’s Award
    Future Farm Industries CRC

  • 2003--

    Best PhD Research Prize
    Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society

We have publications by Dr Rick Llewellyn