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I am a Research Scientist with CSIRO Agriculture and Food, and the Microbiomes for One Systems Health (MOSH) Future Science Platform.

Recent advances in DNA and RNA sequencing technologies have provided an unprecedented view of the complex microbial communities that populate our bodies and surroundings. For plants, these microbial communities (microbiomes) provide essential services, such as sourcing and mobilising hard-to-find nutrients; deterring disease-causing pests; and bolstering the plant’s tolerance to environmental stresses. Despite this, the rules governing the assembly of these microbiomes in natural and agricultural environments is still poorly understood.

As part of the MOSH Future Science Platform, I am working with a team of researchers to define this dynamic and complex process in important Australian crop species. We hope that this work will prove foundational in guiding the strategic management of this invisible–but vital–aspect of agriculture.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2014

    Doctor of Philosophy
    University of Western Australia

  • 2009

    Bachelor of Science – First Class Honours
    University of Western Australia

Professional Experiences

  • 2019-2022

    Umeå Plant Science Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

  • 2015-2019

    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå University, Sweden

We have publications by Dr Simon Law