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Yi Jin is currently a Research Scientist in the Molecular Diagnostics Solutions group in CSIRO. He is a bioinformatician that is at his happiest when processing next-generation sequencing data. His primary interest is in developing a pan-animal epigenetic clock, and he has also contributed to other human health projects focused on discovering and validating biomarkers for disease diagnosis.

He enjoys dealing with anything two-dimensional containing text and numbers. Armed with data, he aims to construct meaningful biological interpretations via liberal application of statistics. He also likes good data visualisations, as they enable swift and accurate interpretation of the underlying data.

Prior to his current position in CSIRO, his postdoc at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia studied changes in DNA methylation patterns in corals in response to climate change. He graduated with a PhD in Genetics from the University of Cambridge, but has, over the years, swapped the pipette for a keyboard. However, when the need arises, he is still able to don a labcoat and mix tiny amounts of liquids according to manufacturer instructions.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2013

    University of Cambridge

  • 2008

    University of Cambridge

Current Roles

  • Research Scientist
    Molecular Diagnostics Solutions

Professional Experiences

  • 2013-2018

    Postdoctoral Fellow
    King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


We have publications by Dr Yi Jin Liew