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Dr Jess Melbourne-Thomas is a Transdisciplinary Researcher and Knowledge Broker, and leads the Marine Socio-ecological Systems Team in the Sustainable Marine Futures Program with CSIRO Environment in Hobart. Jess' background is in mathematical modelling and Antarctic climate change science, and in her current role is helping to connect research to decision-making for sustainability and climate change adaptation. Jess was one of Australia’s first 30 Superstars of STEM and was named Tasmania’s Young Tall Poppy of the Year in 2015 for her excellence in research, science communication and policy engagement. She co-founded the Homeward Bound project, which took the largest ever all female expedition on a leadership journey to Antarctica in 2016, and was a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2019 Special Report on the Oceans & Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. She was also one of 12 female scientists globally to have her portrait featured as a constellation on the ceiling of New York’s Grand Central Station as part of GE’s 2017 Balance the Equation campaign. Jess was the 2020 Tasmanian Australian of the Year.
Achievements and Awards
Julius Career Award
Tasmanian Honour Roll of Women
Inducted for service to the environment; science and research -
One of Australia's 100 Green Power Players
The Australian -
TAS Australian of the Year
National Australia Day Council -
Alumni Achievement Award for distinguished service in the fields of ecosystem & climate change research
University of Tasmania -
One of 16 Stand-out Thought Leaders in Sci-Tech for 2018
Silicon Republic -
One of 12 famous female scientists to be featured as a constellation on the ceiling of Grand Central Station (NYC)
GE Balance the Equation Initiative -
Finalist in the 2017 Women's Agenda Leadership Awards
Women's Agenda -
2017 -
One of 30 Superstars of STEM
Science & Technology Australia -
Young Tall Poppy of the Year for Tasmania
Australian Institute of Policy and Science -
2003 -
Rhodes Scholarship
University of Oxford
Current Roles
Transdisciplinary Researcher & Knowledge Broker
Marine Socio-ecological sytems
Fields of Research
Professional Experiences
Research Scientist
Australian Antarctic Division -
Project Leader
Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre -
Ecological Statistician
Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre -
Modelling & Decisions Support Team Member
Coral Reef Targeted Research Program
Community and Corporate Citizenship
CSIRO Environment Science Committee member
IMBeR International Scientific Steering Committee member
2022- 2024
Patron of National Science Week Tasmania
Co-Convenor, Scientific Steering Committee, Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean (MEASO) international program
Theme co-leader, Centre for Marine Socioecology
Review Editor, Editorial Board of Marine Conservation and Sustainability, Frontiers in Marine Science
IPCC Lead Author, Special Report on the Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
Co-founder, Homeward Bound project for women in science and leadership
Professional Areas
We have publications by Dr Jess Melbourne-Thomas