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Helen's primary interests are fish taxonomy, anthropogenic impacts on fisheries resources, fisheries management, conservation and ecology. Helen first began at CSIRO as a Volunteer Fellow at the Australian National Fish Collection in October 2016, working on the morphology of egg cases of catsharks. Soon after, Helen secured a contract at CSIRO to develop and populate a bilingual web-based fish identification tool for field use in Indonesia (ACIAR Project SRA-2016-048) to improve fish identification skills and fisheries monitoring capacity in Indonesia. Helen is now involved in several different projects and activities at CSIRO in the areas of taxonomy, conservation and fisheries management.
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Research Technician
Development and population of a web-based fish identification tool: Segmentation of micro CT scan data, fish taxonomy research, curatorial duties wihtin the ANFC including photographing specimens, processing specimens and data management, research, AI/ML technologies and diver and Coxswain on the Handfish Recovery Program
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. (Hons.) Applied Marine Biology
Bangor University, School of Ocean Sciences, Wales
Professional Experiences
February 2017-Present
Research Technician
October 2016 -February 2017
Technical Officer Assistant
Inland Fisheries Service, Carp Management Programme
Community and Corporate Citizenship
First Aid Officer
Related links
We have publications by Ms Helen O'Neill