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Christopher Roulston is a research technician in the Climate Science Centre of CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere. His role involves providing technical and planning support to both the Reactive Gases and GASLAB units.

Chris joined CSIRO in 2018 and worked closely with Dr. Fabienne Reisen to roll out the SMoke Observation Gadget (SMOG) program, originally designed as a STEM project targeting Grade 4-7 students it has now evolved into a supplementary PM2.5 network used within the AQFX smoke forecasting system developed by Dr. Martin Cope. SMOGs are low-cost particulate sensors operated by a Raspberry Pi with version 2 deploying with purpose build printed circuit boards and running on solar power.

Chris' other role involves providing technical support to the Global Atmospheric Sampling LABoratory (GASLAB) through maintaining the currently instrumentation install at both domestic and sub-Antarctic sites. This role also involves engineering of sampling systems and modifications to improve on current methodologies.

Christopher has developed processes to automate data acquisition and processing.

He also manages the Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry web presence -

Other Interests

Chris enjoys traveling of the beaten trail and is an avid rock climber, canyoner and spelunker.
He was also a member of the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) prior to relocating to Victoria, and is now a member of the Victorian Country Fire Association (CFA).

Academic Qualifications

  • 2018

    Masters of Philosophy - Chemistry - With Commendations
    University of Wollongong

  • 2013

    Bachelor of Computer Science - Digital Systems Security
    University of Wollongong

  • 2013

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    University of Wollongong

Current Roles

  • Research Technician - Climate Science Centre - Reactive Gases
    Technical support and method development for field campaigns.

  • Research Technician - Climate Science Centre - GASLAB
    Technical support and maintenance of remote sites (Sub Antarctic sites)

Other highlights

  • 2016-2018

    Measuring emissions from tropical peat fires throughout the peat swamps of penisula Malaysia

  • 2018-current

    Travelling to Casey and Macquarie Island (Sub-Antarctic) sites.

Professional Experiences

  • 2017-2018

    Air Quality Monitoring Officer
    Office of Environment and Herritage

  • 2016-2019

    Research Assistant
    University of Wollongong