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Dr Greg Rebetzke

Chief Research Geneticist


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Dr Greg Rebetzke, Chief Research Scientist at CSIRO Agriculture and Food, contributes to the understanding of genetic and physiological factors affecting water productivity and adapting to changing climates in rainfed winter cereals. His goal is then to deliver elite trait-containing germplasm, and improved phenotyping and genetic methods for trait enrichment in commercial breeding programs. Greg contributes to a number of grower and scientific advisory committees. He serves as an editorial advisor on key international journals while serving as an editor on the Journal of Experimental Botany. Greg also supervises in the training of students and postdoctoral researchers. As a leader in CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Greg works closely with Australian commercial breeding programs to deliver improved crop performance in new varieties released to farmers. His research has delivered to new commercial wheat varieties and breeding methodologies used in Australia and overseas. He links strongly with regional agronomists to identify opportunities and facilitate delivery in farming systems relevant to current and future climates, and in reducing the cost and risk of grain production while increasing grower profitability and sustainability.

Other Interests

Gorgeous family first but then sports with a focus on squash, bushwalking, gardening, quirky Woody Allen, Tarantino and Coen brothers films.....and enjoying good red wines!

Current Roles

  • Project Leader
    Determining the Effect of Wheat Morphological and Anatomical Traits on Frost Susceptibility of Wheat

  • Project Leader
    Improving Uptake and Adoption of Long Coleoptile Wheats (GRDC)

  • Project Team
    Development of Long Hypocotyl Canola with Improved Establishment and Early Growth (GRDC)

  • Project Team
    Validation and Uptake of Water Productivity Traits in Wheat (GRDC)

  • Chair AHEAD science steering committee
    Global Wheat Initiative’s Heat and Drought Alliance

  • Scientific committee (Australian representative)
    Global Wheat Initiative

  • Graduate student supervisor
    Supervision of Honours, Masters and PhD students (and PDFs)

  • Consultancies
    Various pre-breeding and breeding consultancies (public and private)

  • Genetics and Pre-Breeding Researcher
    Genotype x systems canola and wheat early growth and establishment

  • Various Scientific Advisory Boards
    Advising crop improvement, research translation and pre-breeding delivery across multiple crops in both public- and private-funded research programs

Academic Qualifications

  • 1994

    PhD Breeding and Genetics
    North Carolina State University

  • 1991

    Masters Agricultural Science
    University of QLD

  • 1985

    B App Sci (Hons)
    QLD Agricultural College (University of Queensland)

Professional Experiences

  • 1995-now

    Research scientist

  • 1998-now

    Research project/team and group leadership

  • 1995-now

    Reviewer/consultant to research projects across a range of national/international research agencies
    Various government and private groups

  • 1995-now

    Editor/editorial board member
    Various Plant Science/Agriculture research journals

Achievements and Awards

  • 2023-2023

    University of Queensland Gatton, Distinguished Past Student Award
    University of Queensland

  • 2023-2023

    Grains Industry 'Seed of Light' Award
    Grains Research and Development Corporation

  • 2021-2023

    Grains Industry 'Research Excellence' Award
    Grains Research and Development Corporation

  • 2015-2020

    Grains Research and Development Corporation Western Panel member
    Grains Research and Development Corporation

  • 2014-2015

    Academy Travel Award
    Australian Academy of Science

  • 2009-2011

    Newton-Turner Senior Researcher Award

  • 1995-forever

    Three beautiful children
    Rebetzke home

Other highlights

  • 2017-2024

    CSIRO Chief Research Scientist

  • 2015-2019

    GRDC Western Region Panel member


  • 2023-2026

    Determining the effect of wheat morphological and anatomical traits on frost susceptibility of wheat (GRDC)

  • 2023-2026

    Exploiting GxExM to facilitate adoption of new long coleoptile genetics in wheat (GRDC)

  • 2023-2026

    Genetics of increased hypocotyl length to improve establishment with deep sowing in canola

  • 2022-2025

    Validation and uptake of water-productivity traits in commercial wheat breeding (GRDC)

  • 2021-2023

    Factors contributing to the prioritisation and uptake of traits in commercial breeding programs

  • 2020-2023

    Validating wheat genetics for deep-sowing (COGGO)

  • 2019-2023

    Genetic improvement of canola establishment (GRDC)

  • 2019-2023

    Improving translation of climate adaptation genetics research to growers

  • 2016-2019

    Elite germplasm optimising canopy architecture

  • 2015-2020

    Delivery of new genes for reduced height and canopy architecture (GRDC)

  • 2014-2021

    Breeding weed competitive wheats (GRDC)

  • 2014-2019

    Water productivity trait modelling (GRDC)

  • 2011-2015

    Managed Environment Facilities for trait value (GRDC)

  • 2011-2020

    High yielding, Irrigated wheats (GRDC)

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2013-2024

    Editor Journal of Experimental Botany

  • 2011-2024

    Editorial Board Field Crops Research

  • 2015-2024

    Editorial Board Food and Energy Security

  • 2021-2024

    Chair AHEAD science steering commitee

  • 2004-2024

    Mentoring and support of young scientists

  • 2015-2020

    GRDC Western Region Panel Member

We have publications by Dr Greg Rebetzke