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Mr David Spadaro

Science communicator and experimental scientist


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David Spadaro is currently working as Research Data Co-ordinator in the Agriculture and Food business units. His primary role is to co-ordinate the Agriculture and Food Data School, which is an intensive internship in a broad set of digital skills delivered through cohort-based and mentored training, using the Software Carpentries.

He is also working as a Science Communicator and Project Manager for the Microbiomes for One System Health (MOSH) future science platform. There he connects with MOSH researchers to communicate their research through external avenues such the research website and on social media.

Previously David works as an Experimental Scientist in the Ecotoxicology Team in CSIRO Environment, Sydney. His major role within the team is to manage the sediment ecotoxicology and microbiology/radiological laboratories, as well as assisting in aquatic ecotoxicology and chemistry projects.

Current Roles

  • Research Data Co-ordinator
    Project manager

  • Communications and project manager
    Microbiomes for one system health future science platform

Academic Qualifications

  • 2004

    BSc (Environmental Biology)
    University of Technology Sydney

Professional Experiences

  • 2024-current

    Project manager
    CSIRO Agriculture and Food

  • 2022-current

    Communication and project manager
    Microbiomes for One System Health, Future Science Platform, CSIRO

  • 2004-2024

    Experimental Scientist
    CSIRO Land and Water

  • 2002-2003

    Industrial trainee
    CSIRO Energy Technology

Achievements and Awards

  • 2005

    Ming Lueng
    CSIRO Energy Technology

  • 2017

    Technical research staff award
    Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Australasia

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2015-present

    Radiation Safety Officer

  • 2022-present

    Health and Safety Representative

  • 2017-present

    Safety Committee

  • 2012-present

    First Aid

  • 2022-present

    Mental health first aid officer

  • 2012-present

    Equal opportunities officer

  • 2013-present

    Health and wellbeing officer

  • 2008-present

    Building Warden