Dr Warwick Stiller has been a member of the CSIRO cotton breeding team since 1995, when he joined to do a PhD examining how to breed cotton to be more water-use efficient. In 1998, Warwick was appointed as a Research Scientist in the cotton breeding program. As an important member of a team, Warwick has delivered new varieties for all production regions with higher yield, better disease resistance and with fibre properties sought by spinners. Additionally, Warwick has developed varieties for dryland production systems, irrigated central regions and for disease resistance. His collaborative research efforts have seen Warwick investigate modern molecular tools for speeding up selection, collecting exotic cotton germplasm to ensure genetic diversity in breeding and discovering new sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt and black root rot. Since 2012, Warwick has led CSIRO’s Cotton Breeding program.
Fields of Research
Current Roles
Research Group Leader
Cotton Breeding