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Mr You Ning Su

Research Projects Officer


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Mr Su studied the systematics, phylogeny and biology of Australian nemobiine cricket (Gryllidae: Nemobiinae) before joining CSIRO in 2000- 02 to co-author the book 'A Guide to Australian Grasshoppers and Locusts'.

Mr Su re-joined CSIRO in 2008 as a Research Projects Officer and assumed responsibility for Lepidoptera collection management and has also assumed curatorial duties for the Orthoptera collection.

Current activities include curatorial services and handling donations and loan enquiries from around the world, establishing what material is required, and negotiating which loans are possible within the constraints of the available material.

Mr Su liaises with senior taxonomist, honorary fellows and volunteers, developing a network of experts to assist with drawing a new Lepidoptera and Orthoptera collection plan, including accommodating new cabinets and rearrange collection based on the most current published taxonomic publications.

Together with Honorary fellows, Marianne Horak and Ted Edwards, Mr Su co-organized the biennial ANIC Moth meeting, with participants from all corners of Australia, including all the part-time professional Lepidoptera taxonomists. By gathering professional Lepidoptera taxonomists around the country, Mr Su promotes CSIRO's capability in external interactions and scientific contributions.

Mr Su supervises ANIC volunteers and mentors Lepidoptera and Orphans technicians on a variety of tasks ranging from very basic to technically complex and professional, which is further enhancing the overall curation standard of the collection beyond current staff capacity.

Mr Su independently devised and executed projects aimed at maintaining collections of Lepidoptera and Orthopteroid insects to reflect the most up-to-date taxonomic classifications. Mr Su successfully completed several major rearrangement projects, including Arctiidae and Aganiidae (100 pinned drawers, approximately 10,000 specimens), Delias butterflies and Elachistidae moths (100 pinned drawers), Amata genus, Psychidae (consisting of 187 species, distributed across 39 pinned drawers), Sphingidae (comprising 76 named species, stored in 80 pinned drawers), Hepialidae (excluding Oxcanus, encompassing 82 named species held in 115 pinned drawers), Proteuxoa (including Thoracolopha, with 77 named species stored in 60 pinned drawers) ), Tizenda genus (including Elephantodeta, 9 named species 26 pinned drawers), and GRYLLOIDEA (comprising 527 named species, housed in 110 drawers and 2500 ethanol racks).

Mr Su has contributed several taxonomic revisions describing new Lepidoptera and Orthoptera species. His taxonomic contributions from 2008 to 2023, encompassing the proposal of 1 tribe, 1 subtribe, 23 genera, and the description of 63 new insect species, have significantly enriched the understanding of insect biodiversity. Mr Su teamed up with senior Orthopterist David Rentz to co-authored the book 'A Guide to Crickets of Australia', part of the esteemed Australian field guidebook series by CSIRO Publishing. This guidebook was honoured with the 2020 Whitley Award from the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.

Academic Qualifications

  • 2001

    Master in Science, ANU Australia

  • 1997

    Graduate Diploma in Science, ANU Australia

  • 1992

    Bachelors Degree in Biology, CCU Taiwan

Achievements and Awards

  • 2020-2020

    Royal Zoological Society of NSW Whitley Awards- Invertebrate Field Guide
    Royal Zoological Society of NSW

  • 2020-2020

    2020 CSIRO HSE Medal for Area Custodian of the Year for ANIC Ethanol Collection Relocation Team.

  • 2007-2007

    ANIC 5 years Voluntary Service to Science Award

  • 1999-1999

    The Australian National University Master scholarship

  • 1998-2001

    Honourable mention in ecological art competition
    Wildlife Art Association of Taipei

  • 1996-1996

    Highly Commended Illustration Prize in insect illustration competition
    The Entomological Society of New South Wales.

Other highlights

  • 2011-2022

    Co-organised biennial ANIC Moth meeting: Promote CSIRO's capability in external interactions and scientific contributions by gathering professional Lepidoptera taxonomists around the country.

  • 2014-2015

    Advanced acoustic devices from insect lipids: Liaising with CSIRO Manufacturing Flagship, participate field work to collect life materials and assist in the isolation of insect lipids.

  • 2013-2014

    Kimberley Rainforest Insect Project: Providing taxonomic expertise to benchmark novel molecular biodiversity assessments.

  • 2011-2012

    Lepidoptera Checklist project: Liaising with Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS), completed taxon names of assigned Lepidoptera families and applied to the Australian fauna in the current AFD database

We have publications by Mr You Ning Su