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Dr Bruce Taylor

Principal Research Scientist & CSIRO Great Barrier Reef Coordinator


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Dr Bruce Taylor is a human geographer who studies how environmental policies are developed and implemented, and how the involvement of private and public interests influence policy and program outcomes. Dr Taylor has worked for regional natural resource management bodies and in resource policy in state government. He joined CSIRO in Brisbane in 2003.

During his time with CSIRO he has led research on partnerships for implementing devolved approaches to regional natural resource management in Australia; the delivery of programs to encourage adoption of sustainable farming practices to reduce diffuse water quality impacts on the Great Barrier Reef; understanding community perceptions of benefits from environmental watering in the Murray Darling Basin; and, the governance of urban and coastal adaptation to climate change. He co-lead the social, institutional and economic feasibility theme for the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program Concept Feasibility Phase (2017-19).

Bruce is CSIRO's Coordinator for the Great Barrier Reef supporting improved collaboration between CSIROs Business Units, and, between CSIRO and our impact partners in government, reef managers, research and development, industry and investors.

Current Roles

  • CSIRO Great Barrier Reef Coordindinator
    Reporting to CSIROs GBR Steering Committee

  • Co-lead Engagement and Social Licence Sub-program
    Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program

  • Steering Committee Representative
    COTS Control and Innovation Program, Great Barrier Reef Foundation

  • CSIRO Representative
    RIMReP Operations Group

  • Project Leader
    Assessing the contribution of partnerships to water quality outcomes, Office of the Great Barrier Reef

Academic Qualifications

  • 1996

    Bachelor of Arts, Geographical Sciences, Honours
    University of Queensland

  • 2011

    PhD, Human Geography
    School of Social Sciences, University of Queensland

We have publications by Dr Bruce Taylor