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Dr Katherine Wynn

Lead Economist, Agriculture and Food Lead


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Katherine is the Agriculture & Food Lead and Lead Economist of CSIRO Futures, the strategic and economic advisory arm of Australia's national science agency. She leads teams that advise industry and government on emerging science and technology, industry development and transition. In the agriculture and food portfolio, she convenes stakeholders into coalitions, negotiates contentious issues and diverse opinions, and co-designs shared visions and evidence-based plans for the future. As the Lead Economist, she oversees quantitative analysis, including market sizing, techno-economics, and assessments of trends, scenarios and trade-offs. In her dual roles, Katherine has led many national-scale initiatives, including the National Protein Roadmap, Food Systems Roadmap and Ag2050 Scenarios Report.

Katherine previously worked with Deloitte Access Economics, providing investment analysis and policy advice across multiple sectors. She holds a PhD in Economics which she completed with Agriculture Victoria and the University of Melbourne with a research focus on valuing R&D investments and commercialising technologies that support food security in a changing climate. Katherine also holds a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Laws, and Diploma of Language (French) from Monash University. In her spare time, she volunteers for causes she's passionate about, including sustainability, nutrition and gender equality.


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