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Mr David Bush

Director, Australian Tree Seed Centre


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My current role as the Director of the CSIRO Australian Tree Seed Centre involves the oversight and management of the collections’ scientific and business direction. The ATSC is the world’s largest tree seed centre, with a specialisation in taxa for economic planting in Australia and overseas, and development of novel uses for these species. My research focus is on conservation and domestication of Australian and overseas tree species using quantitative and molecular genetic techniques. Examples of applications include development of arid tropical eucalypt mallee species for bioenergy production, use of Australian trees for restoration of degraded agricultural and industrial sites in Australia and overseas, management of industrial breeding programmes focused on wood, fibre and energy production and conservation of threatened species in Australia and the Pacific.

Current Roles

  • Director, Australian Tree Seed Centre (ATSC)
    Responsible for the management of the ATSC, a collection that collects, conserves and explores the uses of Australian tree and shrub species

  • Group Leader, Botanical Collections
    Responsible for high-level leadership and management of the Australian National Herbarium, Australian Tree Seed Centre and Australian Algae Culture Collection

Academic Qualifications

  • 1995

    BSc (Forestry)
    Australian National University

  • 2015

    Doctor of Philosophy
    Australian National University


  • 2016-2021

    ACIAR 2016-158: Domestication and breeding of sandalwood in Fiji and Tonga

  • 2015-2015

    Forest and Wood Products Australia PRC390-1516: Dryland Forestry Review

  • 2015-2015

    ACIAR FST/2015/020: Assessing genetic diversity of natural and hybrid populations of Santalum yasi in Fiji and Tonga

  • 2011-2013

    RIRDC PRJ-004060: Identifying mallee eucalypts for biomass production in northern Australia

Community and Corporate Citizenship

  • 2021-2023

    Board Member Australian Tropical Herbarium

  • 2018-Present

    NCMI representative on BMSIP Site Leadership & Community Committee

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